A meal suited for Kris Kringle himself; spiced for the season, warm and comfy, even if it is December raining outside.
Here is the customized menu put together for Bruce & Cindy. 4 course + Hors deouvresBruce isn't the biggest fan of vegetables - I felt like a mother shaking my finger. But together we were able to put together a menu which featured many of his favourites with a healthy twist. Just by including vibrant coloured vegetables like butter nut squash, arugula, mushrooms, strawberries, cauliflower and asparagus we can certainly tune up the nutritional value, this helps by adding valuable vitamins and minerals to actually help metabolize fats and carbohydrates making everything go down (and come out) a lot smoother.
Who says healthy food is nasty - Non believers! That's who!
Roasted Cauliflower Soup- Smooth and spiced with a hint of vanilla bean. Topped off with a pumpkin seed parmesan crisp & fried sage.
Striploin Crostini- Bearnaise, herb roasted potato
citrus asparagus
Mocha Crème Cocoa- Cinnamon Vanilla Bean ice cream, chocolate roll & Sambuca Strawberries
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays
Chef Sheridan
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